Best indie games for ps4
Best indie games for ps4

best indie games for ps4

Best indie games for ps4 Patch#

Oh and does pinball arcade count? That is pretty fucking cool too, except for the prices of the tables and the fact that they cant seem to patch the fucking audio bugs on the ps4 version. SOMA is the coolest philip k dick novel ive ever played.Īnd of course the usual suspects like rogue legacy and spelunky etc.

best indie games for ps4

It also still has plenty of bugs on ps4 and even though I trust vlambeer will fix most of it there havent been any patches yet. Nuclear throne, If you even remotely like dual stick shooter you should get this. Man this game just FEELS sooo good, its really noticeable Jake and the team spend years tweaking the controls to perfection. It really felt like a next gen retro game to me, as in what if games like asteroids would've kept on getting better and better. GalakZ, if you like games that are just a goddamn pleasure to controll due to amazing physics this is the shit for you mah man. Hands of fate, combat was as meh as expected but the vibe and the cardstuff are really delightfull. No gone home yet, hyper light drifter, smrpg,necrodancer and probably more Im not aware. Looks like were still missing plenty of games on psn here in europe btw (or in the netherlands at least). (at least, there used to be, it was fairly early in the appstores life and last I checked apple already deleted like a 100 games I owned from the server with no way to redownload so fuuuuuuck them.) I played it back when I used to buy and play at least like 10 iOs games a week(kept that up for a couple of years until my ipod became useless due to irreversible updates that made it slow as fuck, thanks apple), people always bitch there are no decent game experiences on iOs but there are actually literally hundreds of em made by enthusiastic amateurs who dont even think about business bullshit and I remember thinking this was one of the better ones. Theres some scratch&sniff sticker stuff in there that used the touchscreen aaaaand thats about what I remember. Yeeeeaaaars ago on iOs, I thought it was a pretty fun but basic Mario&Luigi rpg styled episodic game based around fake 80s cartoons.

Best indie games for ps4